Welcome to goatzines.

Might I entertain you with a few questions I assume you'll ask? Heheh...

> Where am I?

The fuckbunker, the goatzebo, the clove shack, casa cabra, take your pick.
I store things here, like my body - I see you have one too! That's cool. Confusing little things, arent they? Mine takes far too much time to recharge, so pardon if you don't see me about. Feel free to return to wherever you store yours, I'd hate to keep you. Make yourself at home and you're welcome to look around. To your left, you'll find my Library and Studio.

> What's in here?

The Library is where I keep things that are precious to me, and the Studio is where I keep things that I've made, such as comics or zines. I'm proud of both collections.

But of course, there's plenty of other things in the shack, you need only look around. I've merely pointed out the areas of most interest to strangers, but if you're intrigued, feel free to make like a dogg and snoop. Many things in this room are clickable. Even I'm clickable.

> What if I have more questions?

Feel free to find answers. Perhaps even ask your own.

> Can I go back outside?

Knock yourself out.